Hello, I'm
Ananda Mohon Ghosh
Passionate ProgrammerMan needs difficulties in life because they are necessary to enjoy the success. - Dr. APJ Kalam

Backend Engineering, Optimization, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Internet of Things
[1] Ghosh, Ananda Mohon; Ghosh, Ananda Mohon; and Grolinger, Katarina. "Edge-cloud computing for Internet of Things data analytics: Embedding intelligence in the edge with deep learning." IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (3), 2191-2200
[3] Fekri, Mohammad Navid; Ghosh, Ananda Mohon; and Grolinger, Katarina, "Generating Energy Data for Machine Learning with Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks" Energies. 2020 Jan;13(1):130, MDPI.
[2] Ghosh, Ananda Mohon; and Grolinger, Katarina, "Deep Learning: Edge-Cloud IoT Data Analytics" Canadadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering(CCECE), 2019, IEEE.
[1] Ghosh, Ananda Mohon; Halder, Debashish; and Hossain, SK Alamgir. "Remote health monitoring system through IoT." Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV), 2016 5th International Conference on. IEEE, 2016.
NLP: Sentiment Analysis Real Disaster or Not? Attended Kaggle competition, based on Tweets of different person, the target was to find whether is there any disaster is going to happen or not. LSTM based sequence to sequence model was designed with Embedding Layer for text vectorization. Developed with PyTorch with NLTK. [Kaggle Competition, 2020, Git]
Generate Your own Data using GAN's: Class Imbalance Problem, generate synthetic timeseries based power data with modified and advanced stacked genitive Advisory network (MH-GAN's), which is able to over come mode collapse, for stabilizing the power and fixing load balancing over power grid. Developed with Keras background supported by TF with BHO [2019]Git]
Housing Prices: Advanced Regression Techniques: Based on 83 different factors of a various houses how much price could be for a house, done with FFNN [Kaggle Competition, 2019, Git]
Segmentation and Classification of Satellite Image for Ice: , Water and Ice segmentation and classification of north polar images, was captured from satellite having compared with the ground truth, done with Pytorch CNN2D [Freelancing Project, Canada]
I used to work on on different research. Some of them are followed
I have completed several under graduate projects under the supervision of different professor. Here is some of my selected undergraduate projects.
Major Courses: Intro to Data Science, Data Analytics, Machine learning, Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
Major Courses: Structured Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Calculus, Differential Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Data Structures, Algorithms, Software Engineering, Information System, Database Systems, Mathematical Methods, Numerical Methods, Microprocessor and Micro-controllers, Operating System, System programming, Data Communication, Data Mining, Machine learning, System Simulation and Modelling, Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
English, Bengali(native), & Hindi(moderate)
Machine Learning: MLP, CNN, RNN, NLP, AI, DL, RI
Machine Learning Framework: Pytorch, Keras, Linux Environment
Data Analytics: Hadoop HDFS, Hadoop YERN, Hadoop Map-Reduce, Spark
Framework Expertise: MVC4-6 with.Net Framework, Angular JS, Web API,
Database Expertise: SQL Server 2012, MySQl
Game Engine: Unity 3D
Hardware: Arduino UNO R3
Technical Report: LaTeX
Machine Learnings, Coursera, Andrew Ng
Grade Achieved: 96.5%
License number:
Certification: URL
Grade Achieved: 96.5%
License number:
Certification: URL
Python specialization(2 courses), University of Michigan, Coursera
Grade Achieved: 100.0%
License number:
Certification: URL
Grade Achieved: 100.0%
License number:
Certification: URL
Big Data Specialization, Coursera, University of California, San Diego
Grade Achieved: 96.0%
License number:
Certification: URL
Grade Achieved: 98.2%
License number:
Certification: URL
Grade Achieved: 96.2%
License number:XAEFPF2C43AY
Certification URL
IoT Specialization (2 courses), Coursera, University of California, Irvine
Grade Achieved: 96.0%
License number:
Certification: URL
Grade Achieved: 100.0%
License number:
Certification: URL
I have more or less knowledge on followings
I am working with Machine Learning around 2 years, spent 5 years at industry as core Software Engineer. Therefore I have roughly 7 years of working experience including research work, industry experience and remote job.
My long-term aim is to build myself as a competitor in addition with a development research analyst and activist in the field of Computer Science with a progressive line-up. With that in mind, my immediate goal is to get an admission to a Master of Science in Computer Science degree from a reputed university, where there is an opportunity making a significant contribution along with developing personal skills, potentiality, notion and knowledge. Using such talents and skill set for the development of the society in a sustainable environment and fulfill the hidden desire of my mind. To build a successful lever for me, I have searched for experiences and opportunities all my life.
Problem Solving, Reading, Photography, Video Games, Listening Songs, Movie Watching, Swimming, Sports
If you feel interested then don't forget to write a line to me. I'm available. If I'm not then I will try to be.